Tim talked a little about his hardships, and talked a little about other people in the congregation. He even talked about us having Livie, born with Down Syndrome.
After Olivia was born, I knew just by looking at her face. But I didn't know for sure till the pediatrician came in, talked to family, and sat down. He wasn't the social type. I almost blurted out the news before he could get to it. But, ya know, it didn't bother me. I knew I'd have to re-learn how to take care of a special needs child. I knew that she'd be different from my other two kids. But, so be it. We knew God wanted us to have her just the way she is. This was no accident, bad luck, tragic thing. It was just another cute baby that...oh yeah....has Down Syndrome.
Learning that she had a hole in her heart and that she'd have to spend time in the NICU, however, was much harder to hear. But, again, we never questioned God. He knew from the beginning. After the doctor told my hospital room full of family about Livie's diagnosis, my Momma went into the hall to call my brothers and sister. One of my brothers already knew. He'd had a dream months before that Livie would have Down Syndrome. When my Momma came in and told me, I laughed. I couldn't help it. As my brother says, "God's such a creeper sometimes."
One week old, no more oxygen tubes! They moved her feeding tube to her nose so she could nurse better. |
Two weeks old, no more tubes! |
Olivia was born just the way she was supposed to be. This morning, Tim also talked about these various people, with ailments, getting to heaven and how they'll be healed and perfect. He looked over at me and said Olivia would no longer have Down Syndrome. My first thought was, "NO!"
I was the song leader this morning, and said something before the last song about all of this. I looked over at Tim and told him that I hoped she'd still has Down Syndrome when she gets to heaven. Yes all her ailments that physically don't work right will be fixed, but if she didn't have that extra chromosome, she just wouldn't be Livie. She'd be some other kid I don't know. I like her and love her just the way she is...squishy, huggable, grunting, ornery, smilin' Livie. And if her purpose here on earth is just to give people hugs and make them smile, then I one proud momma, 'cause she's doing a great job!